Am I Doing Enough?

I probably ask myself this question everyday and depending on my mood, feeling and general emotional state I have different answers.

Sometimes I believe I am and I feel like this...

And then there are days where I feel more like this....

Lately I have been asking this question about all areas of my life.

Am I doing enough at work?

Am I doing enough for Brooke?

Am I doing enough for June?

Am I doing enough to stay healthy and not gain 300 lbs because of my love for cheese?

Am I doing enough for people who are suffering?

Am I doing enough for my church?

Am I doing enough for Jesus?

Honestly, sometimes the answer is No.

I think we live in a feel-good, blow-smoke-up-your-butt, everyone is a winner society and most people would say,

"Oh of course you are doing enough.  Everyone is a winner!  Here is a participation trophy."

But sometimes the answer is just no!  No, you aren't doing enough so step it up.  Get your lazy butt off your chip covered couch and go out and make it happen!  Stop telling people about all the "dreaming" you've been doing lately and just start actually living. 

Below I will answer the questions I asked above.  Some of you will read this and think, Yes I am doing enough.  Good for you!  Keep it up!  Some of you will feel convicted and instead of getting mad at me for calling you out use it as a launching pad to get going in the right direction!  This post does not exist to make you feel guilty.  I hope it inspires you and gives you the kick in the butt wake up call you might need!

Are you doing enough at work? -Do you do things without being told? Are you working as hard as you can or just doing the bare minimum?  Are you making the most of everyday or just clock watching till you can go home?

Are you doing enough for your spouse? - If there are dishes in the sink or trash that can be taken out then the answer is probably no.

Are you doing enough for your kids? - Are you spending time with them without a screen?  Are you teaching them the things that they should learn from a parent?  Are you being an example in all areas of life because THEY ARE WATCHING YOU!

Are you doing enough to stay healthy? - Put down the extra cheese filled dough ball and WALK AWAY and while you are walking away, open the door and walk outside for a mile, maybe two.

Am I doing enough for people who are suffering? - My guess is that you have a few extra bucks you can donate to some awesome ministries that are saving lives all over the world.  It's hard to actually be hands on in this regard if you have other responsibilities, but you can help with your money.  Here are some organizations doing awesome things for people suffering around the world - Compassion International + Samaritans Purse

Am I doing enough for my church?  - If you haven't volunteered for anything then NO!  Get off your butt, take time out of your schedule and serve somewhere.  Pass out communion, direct traffic, sweep the sidewalk, lead high schoolers, just do something!

Am I doing enough for Jesus? - I struggle with this question because I sometimes feel like I should be preaching the gospel to anyone and everyone, but as I fall more in love with Jesus I have realized something.  He wants you where you are to do all you can for Him.  Sometimes that will be on a stage in front of thousands and sometimes it will be in an office in front of one or two people.  You can do enough for Jesus wherever you are.  Just listen, obey and when He calls - act.

Here is the ultimate test to see if you are doing enough....

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.  It is the Lord Christ you are serving." - Colossians 3:23-24

If you can, in your heart of hearts, say yes to living by that verse than you are.  Work hard for the Lord in whatever you do!