5 Things I'd Do If I Owned A Food Truck/Restaurant

Let's be real.  If I was to ever own a food place it would be called "Snack Trayz" with a bar of delicious cheeses, fruits, vegetables + dipping mustard. You'd fill your tray, weigh it at the end, pay and sit and enjoy the greatest creation on planet earth - the snack tray. (Patent pending, verbal trademark, please don't steal this idea!)

A food business is always something I can see myself doing later in life when Brooke and I are old and gray.  Brooke loves to cook and I love to interact with people so, I think it would be fun.  I also love the loyalty that comes with a food business.  We have regular walk in love. shoppers, which is amazing! But even the "regulars" in other businesses like ours can't compare to regulars at a restaurant or food truck.  The restaurant world allows you, as an owner or manager, to really build a relationship with your customers, which is just incredible!

Anyway, if I did own a restaurant, or food truck, here are some of the things I would do from a marketing stand point.  

1. I'd Reward My Regulars Outside of My Reward Program 🎉

No one is going to talk about your eatery like your regulars.  If someone is coming to eat at your establishment every day, or every week, make sure they know they are appreciated.  Obviously, you can do things like the punch card that allows them to "buy 9 sandwiches and get the 10th free".  But just imagine what that regular would do if you went beyond that. Imagine if you covered their meal from time to time totally unexpected.  Imagine if the next time they brought a friend, you let them both eat for free.  What if you gave them a free t-shirt or mug that you sell.  I think too often in business we get stuck thinking that people have to "earn" something free.  If you HAVE to buy 10 before you get 1 for free, are you really getting it for free?  Feels more like you are earning it, right?  I think the awesomeness about owning a food business is that food isn't crazy expensive, so you can give it away a lot easier than someone selling watches or cars.  So, if I had an eatery, I would reward my regulars outside of my standard reward program.  Just think about the last time you got something for free.  My guess is you went home and told someone about it!  Imagine if your regulars, who already like what you do enough to keep coming back, were not only talking about your fantastic food, but also talking about how well you treat them! Priceless.

2. I'd Set Up My Restaurant/Food Truck To Be a Social Media Paradise 📷

If I were to own an eatery, I would make sure that every aspect of it was geared toward being shared on social media.  I would make sure my food looked beautiful, my packaging was clever and most importantly, that my space/truck was set up to make Instagrammers and Snapchatters salivate when they walk in, even before they started eating.  I'd even go so far as to have a wall  or area in my space (or on the back side of my truck) literally reserved for taking pictures of yourself with food.  See example below.

If you are scrolling through your feed and you see a friend eating at some place that looks awesome, then you are probably going to want to go.  So, if I was in charge of restaurant I would design the layout, graphics, space, etc. while asking myself this question, "Will someone Instagram this?"  Not only do you start to get your customers to do your marketing for you, but you also get an endless amount of content to repost, share and engage with.  It's a win win.

3. I'd Host Meet-Ups All The Time 👋🏻

I would host all sorts of meet-ups at my establishment -- Instagram meet-ups, Snapchat meet-ups + photography meet-ups, just to name a few.  I would try to bring people together as often as possible, because food and conversation just go hand in hand.  Whenever you have a party, the  kitchen is the most sociable room and I would hope that my eatery would be the same.  I would reach out to the famous and well known Instagrammers in my area and ask if they wanted to do a meet and greet some night with their fans.  I'd have a "Snapchat Your Trip" night where I'd ask people to make their way to the cafe to eat and then Snapchat what it takes for them to get my space.  Best snap-story wins free drinks for a week... or something.  Again, I would try to get my customers to share on social because social media is going to spread the word about my food business.  Every year Instagram has a world-wide meet-up and I would use that event and date, and others like it, to get people to my establishment.  I'd incentivize the meet-ups with half-off menu items, as well!

4. I'd Use Facebook Ads 💰

I know I say to use Facebook ads in every single one of these "X Things I'd Do if..." but its because it works.  I can't imagine if I were a food business and could direct market to people who lived and worked in the area of my eatery.  If you are like me, you probably check your social before heading to lunch.  I bet if I had an ad for a local restaurant show up in your feed before started lunch you might be pretty tempted to head there for a bite.   Even if it didn't work 4 days a week, it might work on a Friday.  I'd use "free drink with purchase" coupons in my ads to give people an extra incentive to come on in.  What if the person you hook with a Facebook ad becomes a regular! 

5. I'd Have An All Are Welcome Mentality 😀

I know that all restaurants and food truck owners who read this would probably say, "Isn't that a given?" And yes, you would think that would be a given.  But how many of you reading this have been to a place to eat where they make you feel un-welcomed and dumb for not knowing how it works.  I went into this coffee shop one time and the pretentious barista made me feel so dumb for not knowing what a certain drink was, so I will never go back.  I would make sure that every single person that worked in my food space would go above and beyond to make suer every single person felt welcome.  I was at a local spot a few months ago and I could hear two servers complaining loudly about their manager while I ate.  Guess what?  I don't want to hear how poorly a place is run by the jerk manager while I am eating food from said place.  I would do my best to make sure my team knew how important it was to promote a fun, positive and happy atmosphere because surprisingly, there are places that don't... Seriously, how is that even possible when it comes to eating?  It's literally one of the best things you can do in life.

Maybe someday I will use these tactics at Snack Trayz, but until then, I hope they help you as you grow your Food Truck/Restaurant.  If you want me to share "what I'd do if I were" in your field of work or business, please comment on this post with the industry or marketing conundrum. I'd love to hear from you! Have a great day!

10 Ways I Am Growing My Snapchat Following For Myself and My Business!

Lately I have been getting a lot of questions about Snapchat from friends and followers.  The questions usually look something like this?

How do I grow my following on Snapchat?


Is there any value in using Snapchat for my business?  How do I use it for my business? 

Over a year ago I signed up for Snapchat, opened the app, clicked around, closed it and deleted it from my phone.  I totally didn't understand why I would ever spend time on this app.  The only person I ever text photos to is Brooke and they were normally of June and I didn't want them to disappear after six seconds.  At that time the story feature of the app wasn't what it is today, and I just couldn't wrap my head around why I would create content for walk in love. that would end up disappearing.

One of the 10th grade guys in my small group used Snapchat a lot, mostly to flirt with girls, and I remember telling him, "I just don't understand Snapchat. I don't know why I would ever use it." 😂

Fast forward to August 2015, and I am starting to see the app rise in the App store and I hear Gary Vaynerchuk, my favorite business guru, start talking about how "now is the time to go all in on Snapchat."  So, I re-downloaded the app and started using it more regularly.  In just seven months I have been able to grow my personal Snapchat story views by hundreds and walk in love's by thousands.  

Below I'm going to do my best to explain what I am doing on Snapchat in hopes that it helps you grow your story views!

1. Tell An Actual Story 🎥

Too many people just post random Snaps and they don't actually tell a story.  The first "story" I told on Snapchat was about Brooke and I making popcorn to watch Netflix.  In 15ish Snaps, I showed Brooke making the popcorn, me singing about the popcorn and us starting to eat the popcorn to watch our show.  It was literally a story about popcorn. 😂 That night I had friends texting me telling me they were cracking up while watching those Snaps.  They enjoyed it because it was an actual story.  It had a beginning, middle and end.  I could have very easily just taken a photo of a bowl of popcorn with text that said, "Popcorn and Netflix."  People would have clicked past that and, chances are, no one would have cared.  Too many people are just posting a Snap here and there, which is okay occasionally, but that's not really using the "story" mode of Snapchat to it's fullest potential.  Tell the story of you going to Target, or getting your coffee or of your workout at the gym.  If people are following you on Snapchat they want to see that!  Don't be afraid of going overboard on the amount of Snaps it takes to tell someone how you got from your house to Panera.  Tell simple stories like that, or tell long stories like working on your house for weeks to get ready for a party.  I have done both!

On the business side of things, we do post more random Snaps, just so our story always has something in it, but when we can tell a full story of us taking product photos, or working on blog posts, or creating something, we do! That's always preferred!

Again, it's called a story and people are ready to watch one. People love telling good stories, so if you show them a one on your feed, they might be more likely to tell their friends about it - which could lead to another Snapchat follower!

2. Don't Be Someone Else 💯

When I started really using Snapchat, I was only following Gary Vaynerchuk, and watching his story, so naturally I started to mirror what he did.  He encourages people in their businesses and tells them to just do it and stop making excuses.  He does it while saying the F-word a lot, which isn't my style, but encouraging people in business is something that I really like to do, but it's not totally who I am.  I also like to sing, have fun and interact with my family, something Gary doesn't do on social.  Once I started to lean into the person that I am on Snapchat, my following started to increase rapidly.  Not only that, but I started to see people tweet and post about how much they were enjoying my stories on Facebook and Twitter!

I think the word "authentic" is so overused in such an obnoxious way on social media right now, but if you want to grow on Snapchat be authentic, like the real authentic, not the fake I am trying to copy someone else authentic.  Snapchat actually is the most raw and authentic social media on the market today.  It's not edited, color corrected or flashy.  It's just you with a front facing camera doing yo thang.  There is no room for bull-crap and if you try to be anyone than yourself people will see through it and stop watching.  Be the best version of yourself on Snapchat and lean into that whole heartedly.  Anytime I ask Brooke, "You think I should post that?" She responds, "If you like it, then it's worth posting."  If you want to jump completely into the Snapchat world leave the editing and touch-ups to your Instagram.  Be the real version of yourself.  I think the app is growing because that's what people want to see!

3. Use Your Content Elsewhere 📱💻

Two months ago I had the idea to create a "reality show" based off my Snapchat called, "Oh Snap! It's Brooke + T.J."  The first "episode" was recorded during the massive blizzard that hit the Northeast.  I saved all my Snaps from the day, added a little intro and posted it to YouTube.  It didn't go viral or get an enormous amount of views.  Currently it has 171 on YouTube and 237 on Facebook. Instead of letting all my content die on Snapchat, never to be seen again, I let it live on Facebook and YouTube.  I don't save every Snap, but instead I save the occasional day here and there, so my followers without Snapchat can see it and engage with the content I am creating.  I am confident that if people are watching episodes of "Oh Snap!" on Facebook or YouTube they will follow me on Snapchat the second they get the app.  They aren't viral videos by any means, but some of the episodes have over 1,000 views between Facebook and YouTube.  So, over 1000 people are engaging with my content outside of Snapchat.  That is worth the time it takes to upload.  Take your best Snaps and upload them to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or Instagram.  Let them have more life elsewhere to grow your following!

Here is one of our longer episodes of "Oh Snap!"  While the YouTube views on it aren't high, it was viewed over 2,000 times on Facebook!

4. Create Snapchat-Only Content 📲

I know I just told you to use your content elsewhere, but on the other side of that, I will tell you to keep some of your content just on Snapchat.  Snapchat is the "gated community" of social medias.  The only way people can see what's inside the gate is by going through the process of finding and following you.  There is no discovery page, no hashtags, no following the people you follow elsewhere. It's straight up old school marketing - trying to get people to watch your story by telling them to watch your story.  I think one of the best ways to get people to climb the gates to see what's on the inside is to entice them with the occasional exclusive content.  Every now and then post to Instagram, or wherever, that people have to see what you just did on Snapchat.  Get your followers on other social platforms to climb the walls of your Snapchat and step inside your story.

One way we did this for walk in love. was by having a Snapchat Easter egg hunt.  We drove all around our hometown hiding Easter eggs with gift cards in them.  The only way to get the clues as to where the eggs were was to follow us on Snapchat.  In two days of hiding eggs, we doubled our story views.  Creating unique content for Snapchat will always help your story grow!  Here are a few of the many Snaps walk in love. was sent when people found an egg!   It was so much fun, added lots of value to our customers, and grew our Snapchat following!

5. Be A Super Fan Of Your Snapchat 😀

If you want more people to watch your story stop posting to your other socials things like,

"Well, guess maybe I am giving this whole Snapchat thing a try, follow me if you want, but whatever, it's not that cool, if you aren't too busy, maybe you might, be able to maybe, follow me if you want to, maybe..."  

If you want people to add you on Snapchat then you should be a fan of what you are doing on Snapchat.  Too many people under sell what they do with "false humility."  Be proud of the story you are telling and ask people to follow it! There is nothing wrong with that.  If you aren't a fan of what you are doing, why would expect anyone else to be?

6. Pimp That Ghost 👻

If you want to make an epic run at growing your story views on Snapchat you will need to tell more people you are on Snapchat.  Here are some easy ways to do that.  

  • Have your Snapchat username in your Instagram + Twitter bios.
  • If you have a blog, make sure your Snapchat ghost is there! On your side bar, or footer! Or "About Page"
  • When you have a great story going, post to Instagram a corresponding photo telling people to "see more on Snapchat".
  • Have days where you answer questions on Snapchat, if that's something you like doing.  I love doing it!
  • At walk in love. we have a little cards that we put in every order that have our ghost on it.  If you sell something, send the ghost with every order! It's so easy!
  • I recently told a hand type artist to figure out if she can paint her Snapchat ghost, so that shows up on Instagram and isn't the same ghost that everyone else posts.  I think if you make a template and get the dots just right it will work!  Using your ghost creatively will probably lead to a few followers!
  • Post the occasional Snapchat Ghost to Twitter and Facebook.  Remind people you use Snapchat.
We include this card with every order!  Our ghost is so cute and is wearing a great t-shirt!

We include this card with every order!  Our ghost is so cute and is wearing a great t-shirt!

7. Be Consistent ⏰

Consistency is the key to all social media.  If you can create good content in a consistent manner you will grow.  I really try to have something on my story at all times. If it's the number one app in the App Store right now, that means people are checking it non-stop.  I want my story and my business to be there whenever they are so I can keep reminding them that we exist.  Hopefully that constant reminder will eventually lead to a t-shirt sale!

8. Use Snapchat As a Customer Service Platform 📞

Let's be real.  The internet has made us all lazier.  We want people to tell us exactly what we want, when we want it.  Which is why I try to answer as many questions as possible on Snapchat.  It's the new Twitter customer service channel, but unlike Twitter, you can actually type back a full response and not spell "you" with just a "u", which is just the worst.

9. Be Ready To Change With Snapchat 🔔

I don't know if you heard, but Instagram is changing 😂!  Facebook has also changed a few times and so has Twitter.  All socials will change because of the way we interact with and use the internet as a whole changes.  Be ready for that change on Snapchat.  Adapt to the social media instead of throwing a pitty party every time change comes.  Be ready to analyze the change and come up with a way you can use it to grow your story view or brand.

10. Celebrate Any Growth 🎉

I am not DJ Khaled or Kylie Jenner, who are the two most viewed people on Snapchat. I think we can see an image like the one below showing a screen shot of DJ Khaleds views and think, "I will never be there, so what's the point?" Even if you start just getting one more view on your story than you did last week that is growth - and all growth is good growth.  Who knows?  That one new person might lead to thousands of dollars in sales for your business or might be the person who offers you a sweet job!  Celebrate all growth, no matter if you are going from 10 views to 11 or 1,000 views to 10,000. 

Only 3 million views away from DJ Khaled 😂

Only 3 million views away from DJ Khaled 😂

BONUS - Custom Geo-Filters 🎯

I have not personally used a Snapchat Custom Geo Filter, but I can't wait until the opportunity presents itself!  These are going to be the social media add-ons for all events in the future.  If your brand, business or organization is having a big event, use this new feature Snapchat introduced!  I was just telling a friend of mine who runs the social media for a food truck that she should use it when they launch their summer opening this year!

I don't know how helpful all these tips will be in the future of Snapchat, but it's what is working for me and my company right now.  You might read this and think, "Geez, all this guy cares about is views, that's so beneath me ... blah blah blah."  Well, when you run a business and want to grow it and sell more, the amount of followers, views, likes and so on does matter.  The more people I can get looking at walk in love. shirts, the more chances I have to sell one. Do the amount of views I get define me?  Absolutely not. But I do see the value in them and if you want to grow your business or brand, you should too.

And while I've got you feeling pumped up about Snapchat, go ahead, ADD ME! 

Questions From A One on One

Lately I have been having 30 minute one on one jam sessions with people about their businesses.  It's something that I love doing and so I am doing it for FREE, with no catch, as a way to help people grow their businesses.  If you are interested in having one with me make sure you check out this blog post on how to contact me to get one scheduled - One on One.

Recently I did one with artist and calligrapher Aubrey Hart and she wrote me after with this review,

“T.J.’s one-on-one business consultation was such a breath of fresh air! I loved how enthusiastic and focused the 30 minutes was. Plus, T.J.’s (and Brooke’s) enthusiasm gave me a real sense that they genuinely cared about my business and wanted to help. I would totally recommend this for anyone who’s in the wee stages of building a business or someone who has been in the game for awhile. Everyone can benefit from T.J.’s insightful and almost 'outside of the box' advice."

Yesterday I had two one on ones and during my second one I was only able to answer one of his question because we spent so much time going back and forth on ideas.  So, I told him to e-mail me any other questions he had and I would answer them.  This morning I had an e-mail with the following questions.  I figured it would probably be helpful to answer them for everyone and not just in an e-mail back to him! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to e-mail me - [email protected]

1. What is your pre-launch strategy for new products?

We are actually getting ready to launch the walk in love. Summer 2016 collection.  It's called Shine and we are so excited about it!  It really is unlike anything we've ever done.  When we launch new products we realize that things happen so fast in today's world so, we don't like to have extended periods of build up to a launch because people get tired of it.  We tease collections two weeks before the launch date.  That's enough time to get people excited without going over board.  If you spend too much time telling people big things are coming then they feel like they waited too long and are not interested.  I would spend more time if I was launching a whole new brand but because we are already established as a brand two weeks is more than enough to get our following pumped up about products!

For Shine we plan to spend a lot of time previewing new items on Snapchat because we want to grow that following.  We believe if we keep telling people to see the new items on Snapchat then they are more likely to follow us!  So, if you want a preview of Shine make sure you follow us on Snapchat. Username - shopwalkinlove

Tactically, our launch strategy will look like this:

  • This Friday (Two weeks before launch) - We will post the main Shine graphic with release date on Instagram + all other socials
  • Every day for two weeks we will preview a new product on Snapchat
  • April 9-10 - Brooke will be shooting the campaign photos in Raleigh North Carolina!  She will be sharing behind the scenes Snaps and Instagrams to get people excited!
  • For two weeks we will probably spend a post a day on Instagram teasing new items with lots of excitement and emojis!  If we can't be super excited about it how can we expect others to be.
  • We will release the collection on April 15th with discount code!

2. How were you able to build a personal brand?

I originally had this idea that I would be this really great blogger that only talked about super deep spiritual things and I really struggled to write at the beginning.  I ended up burning out because that's just not how I am.  I do like talking about spiritual things but also love talking about business, ideas and loving my family.  Last year when I "re-launched" this blog I decided I wasn't going to pigeon hole myself or try to be like other bloggers out there.  I was just going to be the best version of myself I could and if people connect with that then awesome.  If people don't then I would have a written history of my ideas, thoughts and challenges all in one place to show my kids when they are older.  I think the best way to "build a personal brand" is to stop trying to build a personal brand and lean into who God created you to be, tell that story and tell it as well as you can.  If that means writing about business then do it, if it means writing about unicycles then do that! 

3. Do you do much SEO or is it just social media and word of mouth advertising?

I have literally never spent a single second working on SEO.  We try to spend all our time creating a product people love and telling a story people connect with.  If we can do that then it doesn't matter where we rank in google because people are going to tell their friends about us.   We recently have started Facebook advertising because it can be so direct, which is awesome, but up until that it's been all about social and word of mouth, which are one in the same now!

4. What are your top books for business?

Here is a list on Amazon of my favorites - #TJSFAVORITEBUSINESSBOOKS

5. How do you move your company goals forward each month? What are your benchmarks and how do you measure them?

Our goals are always sales related.  If we are beating last years sales then we are hitting our goals.  I don't get too caught up in the, "we have to grow by X% every month"  Any growth is good and we celebrate that.  We compare every month to the same month last year as our benchmark.  We use Shopify as our online store platform which is the best in the business and gives you so many tools to run reports and see how you are comparing to a previous period.

6. If you were to start walk in love again would you do it by yourself or would you still have a team?

When I started walk in love. I was by myself for many years and did everything for the business.  I didn't have a team until I started dating Brooke.  The biggest the team has ever been was 10 but that was mostly a retail team.  Even now the team is just three of us, which I love.  I like keeping the team as small as possible, but that's just a personal preference.  I handle the management and vision of the business. Brooke handles the creative aspects of everything because she is brilliant and Alexa handles all the customer service.  That is it.  I would encourage people to start their first business on their own so they can learn all aspects of it.  If you need a partner to start then so be it but make sure things are clear up front on who does what!

Again, if you have any questions please e-mail them to me and I will try to answer them in a blog post or video.  My e-mail is [email protected]!

3 Things I Would Do If I Were A Wedding DJ!

As a former wedding professional I have been to A LOT of weddings!  I have seen a ton of DJ's perform, interact and engage with guests.  My brother-in-law, Taylor, is a very talented DJ. Actually, he is one of the best DJs around.  You can hire him for your next event here - Bring on the Bash!  Seriously, he is so talented and I would be saying this even if he wasn't my brother-in-law.

When I know someone who is self-employed, I often think about what I would do in that industry. I am not a DJ, and have no plans to ever walk down that road, but if I were, here are three things I would do right now to help grow my DJ business from a marketing standpoint.

1. I'd lose the stack of business cards on my table!🚫

Every DJ has a stack of business cards on their table and in all my years of being at weddings, I don't know if I ever saw anyone take one.  Maybe a few, but not many.  My guess is that if someone actually does take a card, they most likely put it in their suit pants and don't see it again until the next wedding they attend, when they reach their hands into their pocket and said, "What is this?"  Instead of standard business cards, I would get buttons printed with phrases like, "The bride is hot!", "I Love the Groom" or "Best Wedding Ever.", and put a small bowl of those on my table (as long as the bride said it was okay).  I'd have my website on the rim of the button for promo. Guarantee by the end of the night, loads of guests are on the dance floor wearing a "business card button" as they dance, scream and have a blast!  I like the chances of them remembering the awesome and funny button over the 9,000 business card they've been given in their life.  Personally, I order all my buttons from PureButtons if you really want to run with this advice!

2. I'd Provide A CUSTOM Snapchat Geo Filter 👻

Snapchat now allows you to create custom geo filters for your event!  My guess is that they will be at almost every wedding this summer. It's like the "new hashtag" for weddings. If I were a DJ, I would create my own!  The general idea of the filter would be something about dancing like crazy, or having a great time (see below for an example).  Most likely a few people will swipe and use them and then you have them telling people about your performance while it is happening. Snapchat is the number one app in the App Store right now and isn't going anywhere!  It is also more video friendly which is far more likely to be used during dancing at a wedding, than say, pictures for Instagram.  By creating a custom geo tag for your clients, you are adding value to their day that will blow them away.  You might have to figure out a few details like their hashtags, colors, etc., but a bride and groom will be so pumped you went the extra mile that they will tell all their friends about it.  They aren't very expensive and the value they add is incredible!  Below is a really rough example of what it could look like!

My brother Nick and my sisters wedding!

My brother Nick and my sisters wedding!


At the end of 2015 we hired Monkedia to run the Facebook advertising for walk in love. Noah, the founder of the company, is amazing and is quickly getting our customer acquisition cost down and bringing in lots of new customers and sales.  Instead of spending money on a magazine ad, wedding show or bridal website, I would spend it on Facebook.  It is the most powerful tool on the internet and it is under used by almost every business.  As a wedding DJ, I would target brides who liked wedding brands I love (like J. Crew or BHLDN), wedding venues in my area and people whose relationship status is "engaged".  I said this same thing in my tips for photographers, but I just know that Facebook ads are being underutilized by wedding professionals.  If you spend $100 on Facebook advertising and book one $500 wedding you ARE MAKING MONEY!  Do it! Seriously! Test it out, tweak it and dominate!

That's it.  Three really simple things I'd do if I were a wedding DJ.  I think the first two would add a ton of value to your clients experience that would leave them talking about you to their engaged friends for years.  

If you are looking for a DJ for your wedding make sure you check out my brother-in-law Taylor - Bring on the Bash.  

I hope these tactics are helpful for any wedding DJ reading this.  If you want me to tell you what I'd do in your industry, please leave a comment on this blog post or on one of my Instagrams - @tjmousetis!

And one last thing, here is the face I would make if I was a DJ!


Frequently Asked Questions

I love answering questions on social media! And if you ever want to know something about me, or walk in love., or whatever really, feel free to comment on one of my Instagram photos and ask! I am an open book and will try to answer as honestly as I can.  There are a few questions, however, that I tend to get over and over again, so I thought I would spend some time answering them here in this blog post. Here we go!

Photo from 2006 Trip to Russia.  Look at that hair!

Photo from 2006 Trip to Russia.  Look at that hair!

Q: Why did you start walk in love?

A: In 2005 I wanted to go on a mission trip to Siberia, Russia with my dad.  My dad has been a missionary my whole life and every summer he would head off to Russia for a month to teach kids American sports and tell them about Jesus.  I was in college and had just really turned my life around to follow Jesus, and wanted to go to Russia with my old man.  So, I decided I would raise money by selling t-shirts that said "walk in love." on them!  I ended up going to Russia three summers in a row.  I fell in love with selling shirts and haven't stopped.  In July 2016, it will be 11 years since I sold the first walk in love. shirt!

Q: Where does the phrase "walk in love" come from?

A: Ephesians 5:1-2 - "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.  And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."

Q: What is your favorite Bible verse?

A: Honestly, I try not to have one.  I know that God can use any verse in His word to radically change my heart and life, so when I read the Bible I try to do it with fresh eyes.  I try not to focus on my "favorites" allowing God can use His word to speak to me however He wants to.

Look how little June is! 😭

Look how little June is! 😭

Q: What is your favorite walk in love. shirt design?

A: If I had to pick one, I would pick the original walk in love. shirt because that's what started it all.  But again, it's so hard for me to pick, so I usually say "my favorite shirt is whichever one sells the best", because it is my business and I want it to grow and be successful.


Q: What do the tattoo bands around your arm mean?

A: I really wanted to get a tattoo that represented Brooke, so I decided that I would get a band around my forearm.  As I was getting it done, I thought it would be cool to get one for each kid we have.  So, currently one band is for Brooke and one is for June.  If you ever see that I've added a third it means we are having another kid!

Q: How do you come up with new shirt designs?

A: Inspiration is everywhere.  Sometimes we start with a specific verse, sometimes it's a style of art and sometimes it's a general idea.  For example when we planning for the Summer 2015 collection, I knew that I wanted it to be photographed on the beach in California.  So, we dove into that idea and eventually ended with the Salt + Light Collection.  This year for Summer 2016, which is called Shine (Coming Mid/Late April) we knew we went with one of Brooke's ideas for a camping/1970's look.  It's starting to arrive from the screen printers and it looks amazing!

Q: Do you and Brooke design all the shirts?

A: When I first started walk in love. I designed all the shirts, but as we've grown, that is no longer the case.  There are so many talented designers out there, and now that we have money to do so, we do hire other designers to design shirts.  It's great for us because we get to just come up with ideas and watch talented designers make it their own.  I did design the Summer 2016 collection, but we are looking for other designers for Fall 2016.  It all depends on the look we are going with. All of our shirts have the designer listed in the description of the shirt online.

Q: How many more kids do you want to have?

A: Brooke and I honestly don't have a number on this.  Whatever God wants us to have we will have.  I come from a big family, so I am cool with many more, but if ends up just being June, I am okay with that too, although I would love for her to have some siblings!

Q: What is next for walk in love?

A: To keep creating great products that remind people to live and love like Jesus.


Those are some of the most common questions I get asked.  I hope you find the answers helpful!  If you have anymore be sure to ask them on Instagram or Snapchat - @tjmousetis.

Thanks for following me on Instagram! If you have any questions, I'll be answering them all night! 😃👍

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Lately, I have really been into baking bread.  I watched the documentary COOKED on Netflix and the episode on bread really inspired me.  I mean just look at these baguettes I made the other day.  They are gorgeous. 

A photo posted by T.J. Mousetis (@tjmousetis) on

I've never been much of a cook.  I usually go for simple sustenance over complicated decadence.  My go to meal in college was a spoonful of peanut butter -- partly because of my economic status, but mostly because it was quick, easy and delicious!

In the last few weeks I have baked 5 loaves of bread, only 4 however, have been edible, because the first was the consistency of a brick. And through my baking I've started to realize something really awesome.

A year ago I would have never done this.  Two years ago, never.  Three years ago, never.  But now, when June goes down for a nap and I don't have any work or home responsibilities on my plate, I think, I should start a loaf of bread!  I don't use a bread machine because I like to mold and knead the bread with my hands.  I like it for the process as much as for the taste.  It's a hobby that I would have never guessed I would have, not in a million years.  Again, I was the guy that ate peanut butter by the spoonful for the connivence and now the baguettes I just made took 20+ hours, because my bread has to rise baby!

One question people like to ask me is, "What's your favorite Bible verse?" or "What's your favorite walk in love. shirt?" Favorite movie? Food? Memory of June? And so on. 

I have had a hard time answering all of those questions because I don't want to narrow my life down to favorites.  I want to have an open heart and mind to the world around me, so that when something new comes up I can look at it with fresh eyes and see the beauty that God put in it.  People so often have made up their mind on something because of something someone else said.  We are people living our individual lives off customer and user reviews, while never actually reviewing something for ourselves.  I could have very easily watched that documentary and said, "Seems cool, but I don't like to cook."  Because that's what I would have said in the past and I would have missed out on enjoying the process of baking a sweet loaf of bread.

I think there is something very beautiful in trying something new.  And "Yes" to you Debbie Downers out there, there was always the possibility that I would bake a loaf of bread, find no joy in it and move on.  But there is always the other possibility, that I would love it and I do! Too often I see so many turn down the possibility of doing something because they have already pre-determined they don't like it.  High schoolers who say they don't like a certain food without ever trying it, or people saying they don't like Jesus without ever meeting Him.

That could have been me and my life would have been bread-less... How sad that would have been!?  Instead I have loaves on loaves on loaves.

So my encouragement today is to try with all your might to look at something with fresh eyes.  Something that you may have written off previously.  Try something new and throw out your preconceived notions of what you thought it would be like.  I often get so sad when I hear people talk about Jesus because of the bad customer reviews Christians leave in the world.  Don't look at those.  Look at the good ones, the ones of people devoted to giving, serving and loving all, with all they've got.  But instead of doing that, go to the source.  Experience Jesus for yourself and maybe, just maybe, with fresh eyes you might see that He is everything you need.  He is the bread of life.